Proficiency Check

Join us for a fully accredited Proficiency Check on the H125 simulator.


Our FSTD is certified for training and checking according to EASA Part-FCL and Part-ORO. Simulators have been proven to provide better training and checking outcomes than real helicopters due to their realistic simulations. With the H125 simulator, you can perform all normal and emergency procedures as described in the flight manual without any risk. This translates to better flight safety during checks. Unlike with real helicopters, checks can be conducted at any time and weather conditions without the need to prepare the helicopter, saving time and reducing operating costs. The use of the simulator also contributes to CO2 reduction.


Vertical Mission Training offers qualified examiners authorized to conduct H125 simulator exams.
As a participant, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Fly maneuvers as real as in the actual helicopter
  • Perform emergency procedures as described in the flight manual without any risk
  • Complete the entire LBA-approved check in the simulator (FSTD) alongside an examiner
  • Complete the Proficiency Check at a much lower cost compared to using a real helicopter

High-Risk To No-Risk

During checks on a real helicopter, certain procedures such as Full-Down Autorotation, Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC), Tail Rotor Failure, Hydraulic Failure, Servo Transparency and Vortex recovery close to ground can either only be discussed, partially simulated, or not simulated at all due to their risks or feasibility. However, with our H125 simulator, you can perform these procedures safely and precisely.

Always Available

Our EASA-qualified FSTD is available at any time for pilots and examiners to conduct proficiency checks for the Airbus AS350 type rating renewal. We can provide the FSTD together with a flight instructor if needed. Additionally, we can also book an appointment with an examiner. We also offer Operator Proficiency Checks (OPC), fulfilling EASA Part-FCL and Part-ORO requirements for proficiency checks on the FSTD.

Prepare First

We also offer training flights with experienced instructors to help you train emergency procedures realistically and prepare for your check and safe flying in the actual helicopter. Come and improve your flight safety competencies with us today!

Schedule your Proficiency Check today!